Sinful Colors Kylie ~ Denim & Bling Collection ~ Kameleon and Kurves SWATCHES

HI loves!

I picked 2 more Kylie Polishes from collaboration with Sinful Colors. I will be definitely getting more!~ there is few more shades I like :) 
This time I picked up Kameleon and Kurves. 
Both are form Denim & Bling Collection.  They can be found at your local Target and Walgreen's. Price $3 each :)

Kamaleon is a duo chrome shade. Gorgeous! If you like duo chromes don't pass this up! As you can see there is a blend of green, gold and some blue. Looks stunning on nails! This will be my go to color for next week. I applied 2 coats on the swatch. they dry fast too :) I still like to use my essence drops on all my polishes. It seals color nicely and cut the drying part too.

Kurves is a textured polish. I don't really like textured but this ones are very comfortable. Its a gorgeous periwinkle blue, if you know me you know I am sucker for periwinkle colors. This one have a silvery glitter in it, just like the Krop Top did. I swatched Krop top here.
 I applied two coats :) 


  1. Thanks a lot, my dear :D

    In love with this colors :D

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  2. Beautiful post my dear! Amazing blog! I will be very glad if you will come to me! Please write comments to posts that you like!

  3. Zielonkawy podoba mi się bardziej :)

  4. Mnie niebieski podoba się najbardziej:)

  5. Oba są ładne, szkoda tylko, że drugi ma taką nieregularną strukturę - wolę kiedy piasek jest bardziej widoczny i ma drobniejsze ziarenka :) Zielonych żuczków miałam kiedyś kilka, bo panowała na nie niezła moda :P

  6. Kolorki nie zbyt w moim stylu ale pierścionki super! :)
