January in pictures / Styczen w zdjeciach

 I saw this post in few blogs I follow. Some girls do it weekly and some do it monthly. Well  with my busy schedule I have to do it monthly. Let's see then. January was a very slow month  ( especially at work, nothing really happen and we were not busy). Weekends were fun. Most time I spent on cleaning my place. Watching some movies and catching up with some tv shows. the weather was ok. Some days were warm and sunny , the other days were super cold and windy. Last week finally we had a snow! Well they said the was a Snow Storm of the Century called  'JUNO' and it was supposed to hit NYC and local states but it passed my city and left us few inches of snow. Fun for kids! Due to so-called snow storm I left my office early on Monday and I was off on Tuesday. Later afternoon on Tuesday I took my daughter out to play with snow and it was fun for both of us. 
Also January was a month of money spending . Yes this shopaholic and makeupholic needed some retail therapy and bought her self a lot stuff. Yes I know I really don't need all the makeup , but makeup makes me happy even though I don't use it I need to have it. Yes I am a MAKEUP HOARDER. But on that in next post. 
So here is my January in pictures . I took all the pictures with my phone, so the quality might be a bit off. 


Widzialam ten post na kilku innyh blogach. Niektore dziewczyny robia tygodniowe podumowanie a niektore miesieczne. Ja ze wzgledu na prace i ze mnie w domu nie ma przez caly dzien robie mesieczne podumoanie. Styczen ogonlie minal wolno, nawet w pracy nic sie nie dzialo i nie byslimy zajeci. Weekendy byly fajne.. Wiekszosc czasu spedzilam na sprzataniu. Pozniej ogladalam filmy i seriale z mezem. Pogoda byla OK. Niektore dni byly cieple i sloneczne a niektore zime. W zeszlym tygodniu mielismy Sniezycze stulecia 'JUNO' ktora na szczescie nas ominela ! Spadlo troche sniegu, Z tego wzgledu w poniedzialek wyszlam wczesciej z pracy a wtorek mialam wolny , i spedzilam go na zewnatrz z corka w sniegu.
Styczen byl miesiacem gdzie wydlalam duzo kasy. Kocham zakupy i nie potrafie wejsc do sklepu i czegos nie kupic. Szczegolnie kiedy chodzi o makijaz! kocham kolorowke, i moglabym kupowac tonami , nie wiem sprawia mi to przyjemnisc i radosc. Nawet nie musze jej uzyac ale musze ja miec ... Gromadze kolorkow  tylke hahah 
Moj Styczen w zdjeciach . Zdjecia robione telefonem wiec jakos nie bedzie najlepsza .

Small Haul (more in next post)
Male zakupy (wiecej w nastepnym poscie)

 New Mac Heirloom In Sparks of Romance 
Nowa pomadka z Mac 

 My Brushes 
Moje Pedzle 

Winning prize form Nicka K
Wygrana U Nicka K 

Winning prize form Influenster and Elizabeth Arden 
Wygrana w Influenster i Elizabeth Arden 

My lunch 
Moj Obiadek w pracy 

Empire State Building 

My gel nials 
Moje zelki 

Work selfies 
Selfies w pracy bo bylo nudno 

Snow Day in Brooklyn

Relax after snow fun 

Snow in Manhattan and Brooklyn 

#rockthelunchbox Influenster

My lunchbox creation for Sophia


Rock the Lunchbox


I was recently chosen to do a review and talk to my readers about Rock the Lunchbox program. 
Have you ever heard of it? I didn't until Influenter. I am so happy to be a part of an Influenster  nation, I discover so much because of them . Like for example  this program.
Rock the Lunchbox is a website when you can find a healthy snack-lunch inspirations,  share tips with others and download coupons for some great brands. They are here to help parents build a better lunchbox for their kids and even for them self. 
If you have a minute go and check it out ---> Rock the Lunchbox Website,

Influenster send me a shiny blue envelope with coupons.
I got a coupon for one free full size product form each of the brands Annie's  , Honest kids , Rudis Organic Bakery  and Applegate.  
I redeem most of them in Target. Unfortunately Rudis Organic bakery and Applegate were not available at the store. I will have to try different location. 

Looking forward to creating some awesome lunchbox for my daughter! Rock the lunchbox is a great way to help my kiddo to stay healthy and well feed at the same time. With no junk food! 
Thanks Influenster for introducing me to it!

Honest Kids ~ Organic juice boxes . I got in Super fruit punch and Berry Berry good lemonade.
Annie's Homegrown ~ Extra cheesy Cheddar Bunnies ( so goood!)
Annie's Homegrown ~ Pizza Poppers

I still have two coupons left for Rudi's Organic Bakery and Applegate Half time Snack.

Check my pintrest board for some more ideas! --->  http://www.pinterest.com/moniahein/rock-the-lunchbox/

Nicka K New York Duo Eye shadow Swatches.


Like you read before I'm obsessed with Nicka K New York .Yes I think its a great brand with great products! I want to show you some of their duo eye-shadow that I have in my collection. I know they are no longer available , sadly  :( There is one I love the most and its a DELUXE ND 12.
Also as my Beaty resolution I want to reach a bit more for them. They are super pigmented , and some are a bit powdery tho.. 
but anyways here are some swatches hope you enjoy it !


Jak juz wczesniej pisalam uwielbiam NCKA K NEw York. Super firma z super produktami i wydaje mi sie ze powinna byc bardziej znana. Chcialam wam pokazac kila ich podowjnych cieni ktore mam w swojej kolekcji. niesteyy nie sa one juz dostepne , szkoda ...:( 
Mojim ulubionym jest DELUXE ND12. 
Jako moje postanowienie noworoczne chce siegac po produkty po ktore nie siegalam ostanimy czasy. Cienie sa fajnie napigmentowane, i dobrze sie tzrymaja .
zapraszam na male swatche :)

from the top:
* ND 11 TOASTED ` Orange and gold
* ND 10 FLASH ~ blue and purple
*ND 08 POP ~ Purple and sliver (under the orange)
*ND 01 GOSSIP ~ green and blue
*ND 07 ICON ~ Dark blue and Light Blue
* ND 05 EXPOSE ~ Light purple and Dark purple
* ND 12 DELUXE ~ Purple and silver (my favorite)
*ND 02 SCOOP ~ Green and Gold (also one of my favorites)

Swatches form the top:

from the top :


My Favorite Lipsticks / Ulubione pomadki


I was asked on Instagram to show my favorite lipsticks. I have  a lot  of lipsticks and I choose the ones I wore most often . I could add way more to this list , but i haven't got a chance to wear it.
Here are some of my favorites with a swatches ! Hope you enjoy it! 
whats you favorite?


Bylam zapytana na instagramie zeby pokazac moje ulubione pomadki. Pomadek i szminek ma dojsc duzo. Wybralam te po ktore siegam najczesciej . Mogla bym dodac wiecej ale nie nosilam ich za czesto. 
Zapraszam do ogladania. Jakie sa wasze ulubione pomadki?

starting form left to right:
* Rimmel ShowOFF Celestial
* Nyx Cosmetics In Tea Rose
*Milani Cosmetics in Dulce Carmelo
*Milani Cosmetics in Naturally chic
*Wet n wild in Just peachy
*Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Berry Soft
*MAC Rocky Horror Picture Show in Oblivion
* Nicka K New York lip liner in Mink

Swatches form top:
* Rimmel ShowOFF Celestial
* Nyx Cosmetics In Tea Rose
*Milani Cosmetics in Dulce Carmelo
*Milani Cosmetics in Naturally chic
*Wet n wild in Just peachy
*Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Berry Soft
*MAC Rocky Horror Picture Show in Oblivion
* Nicka K New York lip liner in Mink

What are your favorites ? Let me know in a comments below:)
a wy jakie ubicie? i jakie polecacie?

Best of Beauty 2014 / Ulubiency roku 2014


My new year resolution is to BLOG more! yes! and go on diet, work out a bit more and maybe change a job ?! 
But yes I want to BLOG more. Last year I feel like it didn't do enough. I try to write something and then some other thing came up, then my camera was not good, or my computer was not working. Always an excuse. But not anymore. This year I will try to write as much as I can. Will try post a little something at least 3 times a week . 

But anyways enough with that. Lets talk beauty. As the year came to the end I decided Like probably many other people do a Best of Beauty Favorites of year 2014. 
I will share the products that I liked and reached out the most in 2014. This post is beauty related  I will be posting a NON Beauty Favorites as well. 
I took all the pictures with my phone , so the quality might be a bit off.

Shall we start?


Moje potanowienie noworoczne to blogowac wiecej niz dotychczas. I moze pzejsc na diete , zapisac sie na silownie  i ... znalesc nowa prace?!
Blogowac chce napewno wiecej , bo wydaje sie z troche to zaniedbalam. zawsze jakas wymowka byla ato ie bylo czasu, aparat czy komputer sie zespol . Ale nic, postanowilam ze chce napisc srednio 3 post tygodniowo. 

Przejdzmy teraz do moich kosmetycznych ulubiencow roku 2014, czyli podukty po ktore czzesto siegalam i ktore bardzo polubilam. A nie kosmetyczni ulubiency tez sie pojawia. 

UWAGA: zdjecia robione byly telefonem, wiec jakos moze byc kiepska.

A wiec zaczynamy :)

Too Faced Chocolate Bar ~ My all time favorite eye shadow palette. Love the colors, they staying power even without the primer and of curse they smell like chocolate!
Czekoladka od Too Faced moja ulubiona paleta cieni. Piekne kolory, ktiore trzymaja sie dojsc dlugo nawet bez bazy. I w dodatku pachnie jak czekolada!
Too Faced Natural Eye palette~ beautiful colors and I wanted this palette for a long time. Then Too Faced kinda updated it and changed few shades. I didn't not like the new version, so I went to look for old one and luckily I found it.
Naturla eyes paletka cien z Too Faced ( ogiolnie kocham Too faced ) chcialam ja od zawsze. pozniej Too faced zmienili opakowanie i chyba 3 cienie w palecie. nie zabardzo podobalo mi sie , wiec postanowilam poszukac starej wersji i znalazlam na Ebay'u :)
Wet n Wild Walking on Eggshells ~ my all time favorite drugstore palette. Can you tell how much I love the eyelid shade? Yes i hit a pan on it! By the way its a grrat dupe for Urban Decay Sin .
Trio z Wet n Wild Walking on Eggshells , kocham ta paletke. Jak widziecie dosieglam dna na najjasniejszym kolorze, ktory jest dupem do Urban Decay Sin.
Clarisonic Mia ~  the best decision I ever made ! this is my holy grail in a skincare. I got a first Mia during Black Friday Sale for only $60! what a steal.
Jestem zadowolona ze udalo mi sie kupic Mia w super promocji i uzywam jej nie mal ze codziennie! wiem ze nie jest dla wszystkich ale dla mnie jak najbardziej! swietnie czysci skore i usuwa reszki makijazu! polecam!
Bath and Body Works Secret Wonderland ~ If I have to choose the one scent for huge line of BBW I would go for this one. It smells amazing! Its not longer avaliable in BBW ( cry)  but I have a backup of it haha yes I still have 2 bottles hidden :)
Jeden z moich ulubionych zapachow z BBW. Nie jestem dobraz w opisywaniu zapachow ale wierzecie mi na slowo jest wspanialay. Oczywiscie nie jest juz dostepny , ale mam jeszcze dwie butelki na  odlozone na czarna godzine.
L'oreal True Match Foundation ~ I have always wanted to try and like a God was listening to my prayers and let me buy it for only $2 at Rite Aid ! haha and since then I was in love . The shade matches my skin quite good and gives me a nice coverage. It last pretty long time without touch ups.
Odkad kupilam na suer promocji , zakochalam sie od pierwszego uzycia. Kolor jest bardzo zblizony do mojej skory, nie daje efektu maski i dojsc dobrze kryje.
Physician's Formula CC Cream ~ I used this one quite a lot in the summer. Great cream with a nice coverage and SPF! I know this summer I will be using it again.
Uzywalam go bardzo duzo w lecie. ma dobre krycie i SPF. Napewno siegne po niego w tym roku tez.
Eos LE vanilla mint ~ I kinda obsessed with the eos egg shape and verity of colors . I think there are super cute , but I don't think they work best for me. I did like this one tho. The scent and flavor is very pleasant and I was using it most at night when i went to bed ( yes i like to put some lip balsm on my lips while i sleep)
Eos'y bardzo lubie ich ksztalt, kolory i smaki. Tylko ze nie jestm zadowolona z ich dzialania , wysuszaja bardziej niz nawilzaja. ale ten bardzo polublam . co noc smaruje sobie nim usta przed pojsciem spac.

*Goody Hair Brush ~ I cant imagine brushing my hair with out it. Its not a TT brush but I'm pretty sure works same.
Nie wyobrazam sobie czesania wlosow inna szczotka . nie jest to TT ale bardzo zblizona i pewnie dziala tak samo jak slawana TT . dla porwnania zamowilam sobie TT i zoabzcymy .
*Batiste Dry Shampoo ~ Its my third or fourth bottle! yest that hw much I love this! I did try other but this one beats them all down!
Moja trzecia lub czwarta juz butelka ! tak bardzo kocham ten suchy szmapon. probowalam inne ale i tak wracam do tego.
* Milani Dulce Carmelo ~ Perfect nude for me and I love Milani Lipsticks!
 Piekny nude od Milani , ogolnie kocham ich pomadki i teraz moja misja zeby skolekcjonowac ich wszyskie kolory.
* MAC Rocky Horror Picture Show in Oblivion ~ The best red for me! I am so happy to buy this
! should get a back up haha ! but I did write a bit more about it here. so check it out
Moja ulubiona czerwien. Jestem zakochana w pomadkach od MAC! sa wspaniale. Juz wczesniej o niej pislam , kilk tutaj.
* Maybeline Dr. Rescue Baby Lips ~ I really love this baby lips lip balm! so perfect for winter. It have a hint of mint in it plus very nice sheer color. This on look like a very lilac violet on my lips and I love it!
Bardzo lubie ta pomadke ochronna,  jest troche mietowa i jak dla mnie super na zima pogode. Ta akurat jak ja naloze na usta ma kolor bardzo jasnego fioletu.
* Wet n Wild Just Peachy mega Last Lipstick ~ matte peachy color that last a very long time. Love it especially in the summer! my to go lippie.
matowa pomadka w odcienu brzoskwini , bardzoo ladna i dlugotrwala. Idealna na lato!
* Rimmel ShowOff Lip Lacquer in Celestial ~ This color is soooo beautiful! I found myself usisng it very often.
Piekny kolor. Bardzo zcesto po mnia siegalam i napewno wiecj trafi do mojej kosmetyczni w niedlugim czasie.
* Nicka K New York Lip Liner in Mink ~ Love this lip liner. It goes perfectly with nude lipstic or my favorite Rimmel Celestial. its a twist-able liner. For sure I will get more of them. Nicka K is a great brand , and their makeup and nailpolish line is amazing , you can order directly form their website.
Kontorowka od Nicka K . Idealna pod Nude pomadki i moj ulubiony Rimmel Celestial (idealna para ze tak napisze). Jest ona wykrecana wiec ne trzeba teperowac. Ogolnie NIcka K jest napradwe super ! w ich ofercie moza znalesc produkty do makijazu , lakiery do paznokci jak i pordukty do wlosow. Moze zamawiac z jej strony , niestety nie ma stacjonarnego sklepu.
* Nicka k New York EyeLight Crayon ~ its a great shadow base! and thats how i was using it and it held my eye shadow in place during the day. I will be getting more colors!
Idealna jako baza pod cienie. Trzyma je przez caly dzien. naewno wiecej kolorow juz w niedlugim czasie trafi do mnie.
* Giordani Gold Mascara ~ I got it form my mom and I love this mascara! too bad its no longer available.
Dostalam od mamy ale juz chyba nie jest ona dostepna. szkoda

* Maybelline Clean Express Eye Makeup remover ~ I like this remover. its very gentle on my eyes and it takes off makeup very good. I don't know how it will work with a waterproof mascara or liner because I don't use it. I do love the smell.
Bardzo lubie ten produkt. dobrze usuwa makijaz z oka, ale nie wiem jak by sie sprawdzil z wodoodpornym tuszem ,bo ja takich nie uzywam.
* Jergens hand cream~ One of the best hand cream I ever try. After a week of using it I saw a big difference on my hands. instead of being dry my hand were super soft.
bardzo lubie ten krem do rak! jesden z najlepszych , juz po tygodniu widac roznice na dloniach.
*Rimmel Stay matte  foundation ~ perfect for now! i love the coverage I get and its matte during the day. A definitely must have.
swietny podklad na zime! bardzo dobrze kryje i moja twarz jest matowa przez caly dzien. Bardzo lubie tez ten w kompakcie i tez by sie znalamz na mojej liscie ale w pracy zostal ahaha

*My Favorite brushes:
-Real Techques Powder brush
-Real Technique  Face Expert brush ( great for blending liquid foundation)
-Sonia Kashuk contouring brush
-Sonia Kashuk flat brush brush
-Sonia Kaskuk Pencil brush
-Sonia Kashuk blending brush
-Nicka K belnding brush
-Nicka K eyeshadow brush

*Milani Bella Eyes in Champagne ~ great all over lid and as a highlight.
piekny cien i mozna rowniez uzyc jako highlight
*Nicka K New York Duo In Delxue ~ This is the eyeshadow that start my love for Nicka K ! I got it a while back, and gosh every time I wear it I get a lot of complements! its very pigmented and it blends easily. It's no longer available tho. But I'm not worrying it i have a back up ! I bought 6 of them ! yes i love this shadow that much!
Moj ulubiony cien! i to on sprawial ze zkaochlaam sie w produktach Nicka K ! niestety nie jest on dostepny , ale ja sie zaopatrzylam i kupilam az 6 ! tak bardzo go kocham !