Recent Beauty Favorites

I didn't post my monthly favorites in like forever. So I decided to do a roundup of some of my most loved products n past few months. 
I will try to keep this post not too long but we will see LOL there is a few things that I been loving.
So without me talking to much lets just jump in.

Starting Makeup Products:

Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick "Rapture" ~ the lipsticks are already discontinued, right now VICE lipstick took it place. I purchased my on sale for around $12. And I love it! I really need a back up of it. Just hoping that VICE Rapture will be same. This is gorgeous dusty rose shade. Perfect pinky plum :) the wear time is amazing! It can wear up to 5h! I did a touch ups ..hmmm... twice during the day? I really hope the VICE lipsticks are similar to Revolution Lipsticks! I am really impressed with Revolution lipsticks and I wish I could knew of them before they were discontinued.  Next stop I will pick up few VICE and see how they compare to this one.
I like to pair Rapture with Wibo Nude Lips Lip Liner in #3. I got this lip liner from my polish friend and then my mom sent me rest of them. I actually really like Wibo cosmetics, they are polish makeup brand that makes a good stuff. I own few products form them and i been enjoying it so far.

Next lipstick, or should i say liquid lipstick that i been loving is NYX Suede Liquid Lipstick in Soft Spoken.  It is such a  pretty nude shade, perfect mixture of pink and brown. This one was sent to me by my IG friend Ashley :)

swatches: top nyx soft spoken, middle UD rapture, bottom wibo lip liner #3

Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation ~ at first I didn't like this foundation. But when I blended out with Wander Beauty Sponge that came with their stick foundation I was in love! This is such a perfect duo! The sponge is soft and blends soooo good! really! I don't own original beauty blender but I belive this one could be a good dupe. The foundation overall is really nice. I like the covarge and that I don't get too oily with it.

Amazing Cosmetics Hydrate and Correcting Concealers  were my go to. On hydrate concealer I did a post few weeks back, you can read it here. Corrector concealer is also one of the my top favorites. It comes with two sides: one is your regular beige color for under eyes or any other place your wish to conceal, and the other side have a green corrector for all you imperfections such as acne or pimple you want to cover it with. I will be posting more in-depth review soon.

As for a bronzer, lately I been loving Fiona Stiles bronzer in shade AHIKO. its cool tone and perfect for soft contour that I like.  I like to apply it with Royal and Langnickel Moda Line Contour brush. Brush fits there perfectly and it works super good! plus the bristles are soft and blend bronzer nicely.

As for highlight I can't put down Makeup revolution Golden Sugar palette #2 . There are 3 shades that I can't live without. In first row 3rd highlight is a dream! plus I been liking the matte blush (first row #4) and the second row first shade is also so pretty. I been using both on and on :)

As for eye makeup. As a base I been loving Mirabella Beauty Visionary long wearing eye shadow. Pretty golden with some sparkles. Perfect on  its own or as a base. For a palettes I been using two: Anastasia Beverly Hills - Amrezy. This one been discontinued but I love it! The shades are gorgeous and as you know all ABH eye shadows are dreamy :)
By Yourself, Be Beautiful Palette ~ I won this palette in BYBB giveaway and I pulled it out recently and I been really loving it. The eye shadow are nicely pigmented. They are shimmers (i like shimmers a lot) and they go perfectly with mattes in ABH Amrezy palette.
Ittse single eye shadow in . pretty shimmery highlight shade. I like to use it in my tear corner :) Overall very pigmented! I have to invest in more eye shadows by Ittse, they are fabulous !

Skin, Body and Hair Care.

Dip Into Pretty nail separators, just look how adorable these are. I already wrote a blog of it, just need to upload pics and it will be ready to go.

Puna Noni Tuberose soap ~handmade and all vegan soap. Smells so good! Leathers up and leaves my skin feeling clean and soft. I have few more products from Puna Noni that I have to dive into :)

Formula 10.0.6 USA Wipe your face Off makeup removing wipes are unbelievable! They are heavy soaked (which I like), take off all my makeup including mascara in one wipe! Plus they smell amazing. By far the best makeup wipes I used. I might have change one thing in the packaging but on that I will talk about later.  I also been liking their Deep Down Detox Mud Mask that leaves my skin firm and  clean looking.

Victoria's Secret Body Mist Secret Charm my go to refresher.  Nice crisp scent that wakes me up. Its fresh fruity floral kind off scent. not overpowering. The only con i have is that it don't last too long :( other then that I love it.

here is the pic I posted on my IG with some of my fave beauty products. On some i already did a reviews on some I will so I just link them below :)

for review of above click links below:
Whish Beauty
Osea Malibu
Madam CJ Walker
Soap and Glory 
Atal Skin Care


  1. Ten pędzel... umarłam. Taki piękny, trochę mi przypomina zaplanowaną chyba na październik kolekcje Selena Quintanilla dla MAC ona też jest fioletowa :D

    1. pedzle tej firmy ogolnie sa swietne! mam post przygotowany tylko zdjevia musze zrobic. a co do tej kolekcji z mac to na 100 bedzie moja

  2. Cienie zeswatchowane na ręce przyciągnęły moją uwagę :)

  3. Tyle kosmetyków :D
    Uwielbiam kontórówki z WIBO <3

    P.S. Podaję link do korony :

  4. Ta paletka rozświetlaczy wygląda cudownie!

  5. Paleta z MR jest boska, przepiękne kolory. A konturówki z Wibo uwielbiam są tanie i dobre
